There is a large amount of information out there on how to create interest in Solavei. Facebook, Twitter, Craigslist, and Youtube are all talked about in great length for getting your brand seen online. For many though, it is the day to day interactions while going about normal life that create great relationships that lead to business being done.
While you are standing in line at the grocery store, bank, or movie theater, how do you generate interest on a moments notice when the opportunity arrives? I have found that just by having something a little different, interest from other people happens automatically.
Technology that other people may not be entirely familiar with gets them curious and makes them want to ask you what it is, or if they can see it.
The LG Flex is one of the first curved smartphones and certainly will have people stopping you left and right to see it. The new Lumia 1520 is larger than the Note 3 and is a pretty stunning piece of hardware.
I have even had people stop me and ask if they can see my Sony Smartwatch 2 which ALWAYS leads into a conversation about cell phones, carriers, costs, etc.
It is hard to just randomly start talking to someone about their mobile service carrier, but it is MUCH easier when strangers start talking to you about it.
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